Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My favorite type at the moment is fps that stands for first person shooter. i am playing the cod mw2 (call of duty Modern Warfare II) BF BC 2 (Battlefield Bad Company II) and the beta for The new moh ( Medal of Honor) mostly play on x-box 360 now but used to be in a gamers caln on the pc until my computer went down. have had sevral issues with it still not up but i am having fun on the 360. I aslo have enjoyed fighting games like i love the tekken series the mortal kombat series the older streetfighter series and of course the crossovers like x-men vs streetfighter and marvel vs capcom one and two some racing games like the burn out series was good car combat is fun like the old and soon to be revamped twisted metal series and the new split second is fun stealth action is fun like the metal gear series and the first manhunt the splinter cell series. Some rpgs i like usualy cant sit still long enough though lol. more of a run and gun err kinfe in my case lol I hear in x-box live chat more often then not Kr1min4l Stop Knifing me!! lmao

Comics Comics and more Comics

I have gone a little nutz with comics. Mostly batman, the Kevin Smith Story arc was great. He left us the readers wanting more now if he could only get his comics out when promised lol oh well worth the wait.

Also been reading everything after the final crisis story arc... the original batman thought dead ( Bruce Wayne) the first Robin aka Nightwing aka Dick Grayson takes over the mantle of the Bat and Damian Wayne (Bruce Waynes son) As a ten year old kick ass version of Robin! That is the new Batman and Robin He was trained by the league of assassins.

In the mean time Timothy Drake The Third Robin that had his own spin off solo comic becomes Red Robin. He believes that Bruce is alive and and trapped in the past and will do anything to find the truth ( its why he left Robin out of it so it would not have a negative impact on Batman and Robin). He has been adopted now and is called Tim Wayne.

Then there is the return of Bruce Wanye Covers when he was stuck in time trying to get back to the present it covers so far a Cave man Batman A Pirate and an old west.

Then there is The Red Hood the lost years. Its a Prequel to Batman under the Red Hood. (In related Subject theres going to be a Animated movie of the same name its said to be like the Dark Knight Movie meets the animated series!) It take place sometime after the death of the second Robin (Jason Todd he was beatin half to death with a crow bar and then blown up by the Joker) Jason returns from the grave and Cant understand why the Joker is still alive. He believes Batman didn't care enough to kill the Joker and wants revenge on the Joker and Batman for not killing him for taking me from You Bruce. Jason says. Wow a great year for comics and these are just DC comics lol Till next time...