Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My favorite type at the moment is fps that stands for first person shooter. i am playing the cod mw2 (call of duty Modern Warfare II) BF BC 2 (Battlefield Bad Company II) and the beta for The new moh ( Medal of Honor) mostly play on x-box 360 now but used to be in a gamers caln on the pc until my computer went down. have had sevral issues with it still not up but i am having fun on the 360. I aslo have enjoyed fighting games like i love the tekken series the mortal kombat series the older streetfighter series and of course the crossovers like x-men vs streetfighter and marvel vs capcom one and two some racing games like the burn out series was good car combat is fun like the old and soon to be revamped twisted metal series and the new split second is fun stealth action is fun like the metal gear series and the first manhunt the splinter cell series. Some rpgs i like usualy cant sit still long enough though lol. more of a run and gun err kinfe in my case lol I hear in x-box live chat more often then not Kr1min4l Stop Knifing me!! lmao

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